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20 December 2004

I want to go home. I want to bury my head in the pillow and wake up to a different reality. I should stop complaining. I ate cherries today. I love cherries. I also ate a plum. I saved the last cherry for after I ate the plum so that the last flavour in my mouth would be cherry. The plum was sour, I was looking forward to the cherry. I pick up the cherry and I like to look at it before I eat it and I turn it over and it is rotting on the bottom. Holey and ick. So now I have sour plum taste in my mouth.

At least I have taste. Used to know a guy. These guys were playing around with him at work one night and dropped him on his head. Whatever damage was done partly destroyed his taste buds and sense of smell. Worst part is his occupation. Chef. Last time I spoke to him he was taking the place to court for compo. He was still cooking, other people have to taste it and tell him if it�s right. Plus keep their nose tuned to burning, gas etc.

Going to see my brother tonight. Maybe I will leave early. Visiting hours are only until 8.

My life is good. I am happy. Affirmations. Anyway the �drill� messenger struck again. �I have a bone to pick with you. Word has spread.� About what and who cares? I�m not a gossip. No one knows about this site or that it is me and I use it to vent the stuff I don�t really want to talk to a real person about. It is purely for my own entertainment�actually my Sister knows about this and I also told her about him and his messages. I don�t think she reads this often though and she isn�t in his circle of acquaintances anyway and spread what? Again I say who cares if people know we slept together. He is a shit if that bugs him. If it�s about his incredibly insensitive 3am message then suffer. You wrote it and have had ample time to apologise. So I wrote �And what?� which for once I think the tone was received perfectly because I got a �nothing bad. I�ll explain later blah blah what are u up to?�. I think he is weird.

I�m trying to write the day away. I have a song stuck in my head. Ding dong the witch is dead. Which old witch? The wicked witch. Ding dong the wicked witch is dead. Hmmm. Not the usual track that my brain switches the repeat on. Some people would say that is some sort of sub-conscious message. I�m not quite reading it I think.

Second post in one day and I still have an hour to go. I should leave early. I can�t really afford it though. I suppose I could work late another night. Work being used very loosely as it just means stay at my desk and appear busy for longer. Why not? It�s only an hour. I can make it up no problem. Hopefully I�ll be able to stay awake on the train home, I�ll try and sit on the other side just in case. Even up the bruises.

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