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24 December 2004

It�s Christmas Eve. I over shopped and I still think that I missed someone. My ankles actually started aching. It wasn�t fun. I just don�t have any great ideas. Well I did but the shops were out of everything I set my heart on and then I just couldn�t think of anything else. Serves me right leaving it all until the last minute. I found a stamp in a novelty shop that said �STAPLE THIS TO YOUR HEAD�. I stared at it for ages and then didn�t buy it. It made me lol. I should of bought it. I couldn�t think of who to give it to though. There�s still time I will buy it and wrap it and decide who to give it to later.

I still haven�t sent my brothers present. I think disorganised is part of my genetic makeup. I didn�t send Christmas Cards but I never do. Except I actually bought a pack this year. Why? I have no idea.

It feels different this year. Usually nothing can remove the smile from my face. I just can�t get excited. Maybe I have changed a little. My ankles made it very clear that I am definitely getting older.

Merry Christmas. I am happy. If a silly stamp can still make me laugh I�ve got a good thing going. Taking time to notice the little things and big hugs all round. Merry Christmas.

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